About the DTU Genomic Proficiency Test 2020

This inter-laboratory performance test is provided to facilitate harmonization and standardization in whole genome sequencing and data analysis, with the aim to produce comparable data for monitoring and research purposes.

Why participate in the DTU Genomic Proficiency Test?
The proficiency test (PT) represents an important tool for the evaluation and production of reliable laboratory results of consistently good quality within the area of DNA preparation, sequencing, and analysis.

What is the DTU Genomic PT? 
This inter-laboratory performance test is provided to facilitate harmonization and standardization in whole genome sequencing and data analysis, with the aim to produce comparable data for monitoring and research purposes.

The PT consists of two parts and include assessing (1a) the laboratory’s DNA preparation and sequencing procedures and (1b) the laboratory’s sequencing output.

The PT focuses on Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli and Campylobacter coli and C. jejuni, and allows for sign-up for each species separately. Note that item 1a and item 1b are parallel; i.e. when signing up for 1a for one species, participation in 1b is expected.

The two items consist of

1a) DNA extraction, purification, library-preparation, and whole-genome-sequencing of six bacterial cultures; two Salmonella enterica strains, two Escherichia coli strains and two Campylobacter coli and C. jejuni strains. Participants will be requested to submit reads using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and to identify the Multi Locus Sequence Type (MLST) of the strains as well as the antimicrobial resistance genes present in the strains if the laboratory performs this type of analysis routinely. 

1b) Perform whole-genome-sequencing of pre-prepared DNA (each vial contains a minimum of 2 µg DNA) delivered by the PT organisers of the same six bacterial strains mentioned in clause 1a.

The DTU Genomic PT 2020 is based on the same setup as the three PTs previously provided by the Global Microbial Identifier (GMI) initiative.

Protocol and further information 
The protocol including appendices is available for download via this website (see link to the right). 
Additional information relevant for participants will be sent directly by email.

The bacterial isolates and the DNA will be shipped from DTU Food in September 2020. The PT material will be sent as ‘UN3373 Biological Substance Category B’ (without temperature control).

Results must be submitted as described in the protocol no later than 11 December 2020. Each participating laboratory will receive an individual summary of the obtained performance. An overall report summarizing the results (individual results will be anonymized) will be published and possibly subsequently in a peer-reviewed publication. Authors and co-authors of the publications will be those who have contributed to the preparation and execution of the proficiency test. Due to the anonymity of results, the individual participating laboratories will not be acknowledged in the publications.

If you have questions or comments to the DTU Genomic PT 2020, please contact the DTU Genomic PT Coordinator Susanne Karlsmose Pedersen (suska@food.dtu.dk).



Susanne Karlsmose Pedersen
DTU Fødevareinstituttet
35 88 66 01