Data Visualization Projects

In the Division for Global Surveillance, we run a variety of health-related research projects. We strive to make web-based data visualization and data-interaction for the reader a common part of our knowledge dissemination activities. With web-interfaces and applications, we want to allow the reader to explore and interact with the newest data, in order to get a better understanding of our findings. Perhaps most importantly, we hope to reach and engage a broader audience.

Below are examples of the data visualization projects from the Research Group for Genomic Epidemiology.

Global Sewage (GLS)
This web app, is a way for us to share our insights from performing metagenomics on urban sewage samples in our search for resistance-genes. The web app is supposed to allow users to access the knowledge coming from our research, in the most basic way possible. The main disclaimer here therefore, is that there’s really nothing basic about metagenomics, but we implore you to check out the data anyway, and have fun with it!

Two Weeks in the World (TWIW)
Apart from giving an introduction to the project, the TWIW web app has two main facets:

  1. Browsing different aspects of the TWIW dataset through interactive data visualizations. This includes a dash board that gives an overview of the project status (included countries, number of samples, timeline, basic pathogen stats). The dashboard can be flicked to become an interactive map where countries can be selected, allowing the user to browse the species submitted to the study by the participating units from the selected country, as well as browse the AMR profiles of the individual groups of pathogens submitted from the selected country. Furthermore, there is a phylogeny dashboard that allows the user to select a phylogenetic tree based on reference strain, and which samples mapped to the selected reference strain, and the diversity and phylogenetic relationships between these.
  2. For partners on TWIW, relevant resources for participation can be found on the web app (protocols etc.). The web app also gives partners live access to the data from the in-house MySQL database, where the sample data and all analysis data can be searched, filtered and downloaded in tabular format. This does not include raw sequencing data, but it includes the data necessary to navigate the sequencing data, which partners access through an “equity database” hosted on, prior to publishing these on ENA. Lastly, there is a research canvas where partners can upload and communicate about ongoing studies on the data generated from TWIW.

The Mobility and COVID-19 app
The Mobility & COVID-19 app was developed as a data visualization and exploratory tool for Google mobility data and publicly available data collected from Our World in Data. Users can explore the how the occurrence of new cases of COVID-19 and the simultaneous evolution of changes in different types of mobility, with major change-points of mean mobility, mark potentially new stages in COVID-19 evolution. The user can explore rolling correlations of new cases of COVID-19 and mobility over time, and similarities between countries grouped according to new cases of COVID-19.

Clinical AMR and Sewage Sample AMR app
This app was built to determine the association between antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in a clinical setting with that of sewage samples from the Global Sewage Project. Clinical data from the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (a JMI Laboratories surveillance study) was complemented with data collected by the WHO Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS). From a surveillance perspective, this study emphasizes how AMR characteristics of urban sewage samples is concordant with clinical sample data and how, given their closely relationship, both sources can serve to monitor AMR.