Benchmarking tools

Evaluating tools for metagenomic analysis

Presentation from the Research Group for Genomic Epidemiology – 05 December 2022

Evaluation of tools for metagenomic analysis is a very important task that may lead to better results. Performing benchmarks on software allows for identifying areas of improvement and getting a better idea on the actual necessities of the project. In our case, we plan to download, analyze and store huge amounts of metagenomic data with the aim of drawing significant conclusions regarding antimicrobial resistance and public health. Before we actually press the button and download petabytes of data, and having our focus on two very important subjects of the project (taxonomic profiling and metagenomic assembly), we benchmarked a number of tools that we hope will lead us to results of higher quality. In this presentation, we presented our initial results on three tools that we tested, Metaphlan 4, Kaiju and Metacherchant.

Nikiforos Pyrounakis’ presentation