Microbial Outbreak Surveillance System (MOSS)

Presentation from the Research Group for Genomic Epidemiology – 31 October 2022

MOSS is an offline, automated tool developed to sequence and analyzes bacterial isolates. This tool accepts the Oxford nanopore long-read sequencing data as an input and produces the phylogenetic analyses of the clinical isolates. In the development approach, Test-Driven Development (TDD) is mainly focused on enhancing the quality of the application. TDD is a software development process that converts the software requirements into test cases before the software is fully developed. With TDD, it is easy to identify the issues in the written code prior to the delivery of the software product. Unit testing for each module is performed, and integration testing is performed to check the interface between two web pages.

In developing TDD, the ‘KISS’ principle is used to breakdown major tasks into sub-tasks. This principle helps to increase the code ability of programmers. To have a complete overview of the project, we use Zenhub. Zenhub is a platform similar to agile methodologies that track the current and future progress of the project, which is the similar to kanban board. In this project, agile methodology is followed to achieve quicker solutions in an easy way. It helped us to review the test plan frequently after each sprint.

Satya Krishna Prasanna Kolluri’s presentation